Friday, 12 August 2011

Stouffville Elementary School

Software: Revit Architecture 2008 ( Design Drawings and 3D), AutoCad 2008 ( Construction Drawings), and PhotoShop CS5
Project: 3rd Semest, Centennial College
Project Summary: The project is a 2 storeys school with a daycare and facilities on the first level, and the class rooms on the second level.

Honda Dealership

Software: AutoCad 2008, Google SketchUp, and Photoshop CS5
Project: 2nd Semester, Centennial College
Project Summary: The project was an introduction to commercial buildings and to the grid system. We had to make our own resources on materials, sustainability, zoning by-law, and building code. For the first part of the project which was to make a proposed set of design drawings was made on a group of 4. But, for the second part of the project, we all work individually on making on the changes, and notes to the construction drawings.

3D Project, Horizonte Hotel

Software: AutoCad 2011
Project Summary:  The project was drawn as a school project, we were free to choose to design any kind of building taller than 4 storeys. It was completed on my 5th Semester at Centennial College and it is 10 storyes tall and it was done individually.